Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I'm finally back! I had to put my blog on the back burner these past few months. Physics class pretty much killed me and I almost didn't graduate because of it! Luckily I was able to pull through, but school did pretty much take up my life for a while there.

I'm just glad I graduated! We went to dinner at a japanese restaurant downtown before graduation. My cousin just happened to be in town working on the week of my graduation so luckily he was able to come.

That's one of my best friends! I love him to death. I was not fond of him at all freshman year (he gives off a weird vibe and tends to be strange if you don't know him). But by second semester of sophomore year we were best friends!

Mrs. Gunther! She is the secretary at our school and is incredibly awesome! We would sit and chill in her office with her if we had a free period and didn't really know where to go. One of my other best friends and I would always do very last minute homework in her office :P

I also made my first ever Lilly Pulitzer purchase! This was at one of my friend's graduation parties (I'm wearing the dark blue dress). I used to really hate Lilly Pulitzer but I went in with them and tried some things on and I was impressed! Not something I could buy frequently though, it can be pretty expensive!

With my graduation money I was finally able to buy a Macbook Pro! I love it so much, I don't think I'll ever own a PC again!

That's pretty much it for now, I'm going apartment searching this weekend with my future roommate so hopefully that goes well!

And now that it's summer I will be posting more soon! Love you all!


Savannah said...

Congrats on graduating! Love that Lilly dress.


Emily said...

congrats gracey! I totally know what you mean about the school thing. Glad you're back! You looked gorgeous :)

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures

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Anna said...

Where is the 2nd dress you wore from?


Elle Sees said...

Congrats sweety!! Glad you're back!!