Saturday, June 28, 2014

Breakfast at Gracey's Book Club

So this is a really impromptu post, so it'll be short. I'm going to be hosting a book club of sorts.

Every month (or whatever time period) I will choose a book to read, and post how many pages the book is. Now all of you can pick a book around the same length, read it within the set time period, and then leave your thoughts, reviews, and recommendations.

For the month of July, I will be reading The Giver by Lois Lowry, which is ~180 pages.

So, choose a book between 150-200 pages, and have it read by the end of July (sooner if possible). Or you can choose to read The Giver with me if you don't know what else to read.

After the month is over/I finish the book, I'll do a post about what I thought about the book, if I would recommend it, etc. In the comments (or you can even email me!) I'd like you all to discuss the book that you chose and read this month. Even if you didn't finish it. My next book club reading might just be one of your suggestions if it catches my interest!

So, I'm posting this a few days before July even starts, so you have time to choose a book! 1.) Choose book around 150-200 pages. 2.) Have it finished (or at least tried to finish) by the end of July. 3.) Comment and discuss your book when the next book club post goes up.

I'm hoping this will motivate people to read more this summer, maybe we could even set up some sort of book exchange/trade if this goes well? We shall see! Feel free to tweet me your book choices and recommendations before you start, as well! I can make a list if people really need help choosing a book to read. Let me know what you think in the comments or email me! :)


Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I want to read this book so bad. I should get myself a copy and play along :)

HiFashion said...

I read this book a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it. Great choice of book.