Monday, May 24, 2010

Rainy Day Movies

Well, it's raining outside today! And it's not just a drizzle either, I'm talking somebody up above had a very, very bad day. Anyway, I managed to make it to Blockbuster in this downpour to get a movie. When it's raining, it is the perfect time to rent a fluffy, happy movie and watch it with your mom or a few of your girlfriends. Here is a list of good rainy day movies to entertain you during your bad weather blues!

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Does this need explaining? The happy, free-spirited Holly Golightly is sure to lift anyone's mood on a rainy day! Not only that, her effortless style in this movie is so inspiring! Definitely my favorite Audrey Hepburn movie.

Baby Mama

I love watching Baby Mama. Amy Poehler and Tina Fey worked so well together in this movie! It even had me laughing about it afterwards! And the best part, it had a happy ending! Yay :) I still laugh everytime I hear "Bitch, I don't know your life!". Haha :)

Love and Other Disasters

I'm not sure why more people haven't heard of this movie. It is one of those cute fluffy movies that you just want to watch over and over again! And plus, it has Brittany Murphy (R.I.P. :( She was so amazing), which automatically gives it awesome points in my book! Her character has sort of a Holly Golightly-esque feel to her too! Which is another plus! Two thumbs up from me!

The House Bunny

This movie is, in one word, hilarious! Shelly is such the stereotype for blonde Playboy bunnies, but that just makes the movie all the more funny. She is so oblivious to things around her, but always stays cheerful and happy. My friends and I laugh at this movie pretty much the whole way through, this is a great movie if you are looking for a good laugh.

The Proposal

Oh Sandra Bullock, how I love you! She is such a great actress, and this is one of my favorite movies with her in it. Another cute, funny movie with a happy ending. There is one scene in particular that I could NOT stop laughing at, but I won't be a spoiler ;) watch it and you'll see what I mean!

The Ugly Truth

I knew I would like this movie before I even saw it. Why? Because it has Gerard Butler in it! YUM! But, besides that, this is such a funny movie! I laughed so hard during this movie, and it also has a happy ending! Rainy day movies are best when they have a happy ending! But, to all my readers out there under the age of maybe 14, it is rated R and does have some somewhat mature content. But hey, I know I watched movies like this when i was 13, so what the heck, go for it girls!

Well, that's all my rainy day movie reccomendations for now! What are your favorite movies to watch on a rainy day? Have you seen any of these movies? What are your opinions on them? Leave a comment/give me feedback please!

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