Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Color Pink Makes Everything Look Pretty

I woke up today with an insane craving for anything fruity. I got a Snapple Apple when I went grocery shopping earlier but the craving is still going strong. Ugh. Also I had no earthly idea that almond milk was so good! Why didn't anyone tell me?! 

After I went shopping I was browsing the Kate Spade website earlier and got a little pink inspiration. Seems fitting since I have this insatiable fruit craving. I could reaaaalllly go for a passion tea lemonade from Starbucks right about now. I'm in a more colorful mood today than I was while doing my last post I guess! 

Think Pink Kate Spade

3 of my favorite Kate Spade items right now. I don't own a lot of hats - mainly because I just don't think to put them on when I'm leaving - but lately I've been obsessed. I really really want that purse because I need a new one and I love those colors together. And you all know I'm all about scarves whenever and wherever. 

MAC Pink Nouveau

Hopefully this craving will subside soon, but at least it's not a chocolate craving. When I start craving chocolate I have to have it right at that moment or everyone will die. 

Sigh, we shall see. Are you feeling the pink vibe too? 


Couture Carrie said...

Perfect pink post!
Love that bag!


erika sorocco said...

YES to that flamingo hat!


C said...

Ooh, I love all the flamingos! That Kate Spade bag is perfect. I love pink. I don't know if I'll ever outgrow it.