Monday, September 7, 2015

I Want to Go to London

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. London fashion week is coming up and it's made my desire to go even stronger. London street style is so chic I can't even handle it.

Lily Melrose=one of my favorite fashion bloggers.

I'd make Duck & Waffle one of my first food stops. I'd go during brunch and get either the "Full Elvis" Waffle (pb&j, bananas, brûlée, chantilly cream, all the trimmings) or the English Cherries Waffle (cherry & yoghurt ice cream, white chocolate crumble). 

And I'd probably come back with some stupid expensive yet oh so classy umbrella from London Undercover (I love this picture). 

So if you live in London, or anywhere in the UK really, I'm coming to visit asap. 

Where have you been dying to travel to lately? 


Couture Carrie said...

Amazing street style selections!

Would love to go to London too!


Jax said...

I've been DYING to go to Paris. I live for all things French. Oui!

Abby said...

I wish I was fashion savvy like these young woman! So pretty!


Elle Sees said...

you do! you would LOVE it.

erika sorocco said...

Le sigh...I love London street style; it's so effortless and chic!
