Saturday, June 18, 2011

How to: Get Smooth Lips for Summer

I have problems with dry lips, and I definitely have to work to get them to stay smooth. I think I've finally found a lip routine that keeps them moisturized and flake-free!

Get Smooth Lips for Summer!
1. Exfoliate- Get all the dead skin cells and flakes off of your lips! My favorite lip scrub is Sara Happ's The Lip Scrub, but at $24 it is a bit expensive, so you can find a list of DIY lip scrubs here. I like to do this step at night because it can make your lips a bit red.

2. Super Moisture- I mean a very intense lip treatment here. As much as I hate the smell of Clinique's Superbalm lip treatment, it works wonders. I also use this in the winter when my lips get super chapped. I've heard good things about the Kiehl's Lip Balm #1, but I've never used it.

3. Daily Moisture- For moisturizing throughout the day whenever your lips are feeling dry. C.O. Bigelow's Lemon and Black Cherry Lip Balm and Nivea a Kiss of Moisture are my favorite daily lip balms.

4. Spf- One of the most important steps, especially during the summer! Even if you don't realize it, your lips burn very easily, and the sun can dry them out making them very dry or chapped. Find a lip gloss or balm that has spf in it, like Nivea a Kiss of Protection, Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Lip Gloss with spf 15, or MAC's tinted lip conditioner.

This may be common sense for a lot of people, but I know my mom had never thought to exfoliate her lips so I thought I'd share :) Let me know what your favorite products for keeping your lips smooth this summer are!


Audrey Allure said...

Sounds like some great products & tips!

erika sorocco said...

What fantastic tips! I have never before exfoliated my lips - maybe it's time I started! :)

Alina said...

hey i just started following you,could you please follow me as well?

Bereniice said...

answering the comment you posted on my blog: I know!, I get lazy too when I use glasses, but then I've had a lot of times that when I go out or something "quick" I stamp across lots of friends and the boy I like.... so I've learned to do at least a quick touch up even with glasses hahah...
hey... I've been having a lot of problems with dry lips right now,I knew about the exfoliating and moisturizing tips, buy I have forgotten to do them hahah, so thanks for the reminder!

Jade said...

I know how hard saving is! I'm saving for a wedding and a home currently, tough stuff!

Your layout is really cute.
I'm a new follower & love your blog!
Jade By The Sea