Monday, August 8, 2011

Going Greener: Fortune Cookie Soaps

I'm trying to make an effort to be more green, both in food and lifestyle choices, including my beauty products. I'm trying my best to find brands that don't test on animals, and are free of harsh and harmful chemicals. I signed up for Eco Emi, which will help a lot. If you don't know what Eco Emi is, it's basically an earth friendly version of Birchbox. Except it's a lifestyle box so you generally get a few beauty products along with things like food, tea, things to clean your house with, etc., that are all cruelty free, green, free trade, eco friendly, and all that good stuff.

I've been eyeing Fortune Cookie Soap for quite some time, but never got around to buying anything. All of the products are "gunk free" and they don't test on animals. Plus they are super cute! They recently had a summer sale and I bought an "In the Loop" bar soap.

It's probably one of the cutest soaps I've ever seen. It looks so much like Froot Loops in milk, and smells EXACTLY like Froot Loops. And it's a pretty decent size, too, I'm sure I'll be using this for a while. I usually prefer body wash over bar soaps, but this was on sale, cute, and is helping me go greener in my life so, why not! I haven't used it yet but I'm really excited to.

I'm going to be making a list of all natrual, green, chemical free, cruelty free, etc., brands and websites that I find. I'll probably put it in the sidebar or make a new page and link it or something. I'm not sure. But anyway, Fortune Cookie Soap is definitely going on that list. This is my first "green find" in my journey, haha.

I also received a free sample of their "Love Doctor" bath melt. It melted a little bit in the mail box, but it still smells really good!

Update: I was a bit too excited about my soap and described it to my coworkers tonight (which happened to be all guys) and they thought that sounded super amazing and badass. So your male friends may love Fortune Cookie Soaps as well :P

Have you bought anything from Fortune Cookie Soap? What are your favorite "green" beauty brands?


Melanie said...

I loove Fortune Cookie Soap! I have the "in the loop" soap also, but the fortune cookie version of it. I also use their milk bath and whipped cream (which is probably my fav) and have also used their bath fizzies. I haven't tried the bath melts yet, though!

- Melanie @

Katie said...

These look so great, I'm going to check them out! There is nothing I love more than bath products :)

Bonnie said...

I would totally use this just for the super cute Fortune Cookie soap name -- and because it looks like Fruit Loops. I love Fruit Loops ...
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Safe in the Steep Cliffs said...

That soap looks yummy. Is that awkward of me to have said that?

-Robots in Trouble

Sick by Trend said...

love this kind of things!! haha very cool your blog! I'm following

Look my blog and if you like it follow me :)



Mary and Dyer said...

Hey Gracey!

I love the name of your blog - it's so so cute!!

I just became your newest follower - I'd love if you could follow us back?



Audrey Allure said...

A soap that smells like Fruit Loops? Sounds interesting!

Allison said...

Oh my god, that is the cutest soap I've ever seen - though I'm not a big Fruit Loops fan, so I might pass on that one :)
I love The Body Shop and Lush products - I made a promise never to buy products that test on animals, it's just so unnecessary.

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

that's the cutest soap I've ever seen AND it's earth friendly... sign me up!

Josie said...

These are SO fun and pretty! I love.
xo Josie