Sunday, July 31, 2011

Split Personality

So lately I've been observing a certain...trend, if you will, of things being half one thing, and half another. Now I know this is nothing new really, but it's just becoming more obvious to me and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Split Personality

It's just a bit baffling to me. It's like this trend is pin pointed at indecisive people like myself. "Oh I can't decide if I should wear this dress or this dress. Oh I know! I'll wear the same time!" So odd.

Ok in terms of beauty, I don't mind this trend so much. Both of these ladies did a fabulous job of making it wearable. Just enough change so that you have to take a second look at it to make sure you are seeing correctly. If I could get away with it in real life, I would probably rock that eye look. The lips are more color blocking so I do like the lips. I'm not much of a bold lip person myself so I personally wouldn't wear it, but it looks great on her.

The clothes (and the MAC brush??) are the most odd to me. What do you think of this trend? Have you rocked any of these styles before?


Arielle said...

The earrings are cool and the most wearable to me, so I like it. But I really hate this trend. The only ones I like are the earrings and the lips. When people would wear two different sock colors and do it on purpose- I'd think "NOT CUTE". I don't like it much. Maybe the trend will grow on me sometime but I don't think so >.<

Jessica said...

I'm not crazy about this trend either. It's definitely not going to last very long.... Kind of like Kriss Kross wearing their clothes backwards lol

erika sorocco said...

I think people like Gaga can rock this trend so amazingly well; however, it's definitely not for me. :/

Anonymous said...

Im not a huge fan of this trend. It's a little odd to me, too. However, I love the lips!

RedPoppy said...

Lovely post. I've been contemplating lately wearing 2 diff shades of lipstick on my lips, will let you know how it goes!